Stara Planina
Stara Planina, Serbia

Rewilding Stara Planina

Stara Planina is Serbia’s sprawling treasure trove of biodiversity and cultural heritage nestled within majestic mountains. This project will conduct a landscape-level restoration of mosaic forests and semi-natural grasslands. This will help revive natural dynamics, increase biodiversity and improve connectivity among habitat fragments. The project also seeks to promote the sustainable development of local livelihoods based on ecotourism and regenerative agriculture.
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Germany, Abu Dhabi, India, Cameroon, Mozambique, Nepal, Cambodia, Global

Global Youth Ecosystem Restoration Curriculum

The UN Decade Restoration Challenge for Education 6.2 seeks to address a critical issue in global education systems. Youth need knowledge and information based on solid science that addresses the huge environmental problems their generation faces. Our collaborate goal is to empower #GenerationRestoration through an interactive Ecosystem Restoration Curriculum for youth between 10-16 and 18-35 years, as part of the UN Decade Action Plan.
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Brazil, Cambodia, Cameroon, India, Netherlands, Spain, Global

Ecosystem restoration curriculum for students and young professionals

Responding to the call of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, this project will develop an interactive Ecosystem Restoration Curriculum. The project will empower students and young professionals worldwide to address the triple environmental crisis: biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution.
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