5 months
  • Online
This MOOC is about the sustainable use or valorisation of natural resources in protected areas. The main goal of this course is to introduce some of the commonly-used ways to sustainably valorise protected areas (and their resources), thereby contributing to their long-term conservation.

Course details

  • Wildlife Management
Learning mode
  • Online
Starting date

About this course

This MOOC is about the sustainable use or valorisation of natural resources in protected areas. The main goal of this course is to introduce some of the commonly-used ways to sustainably valorise protected areas (and their resources), thereby contributing to their long-term conservation. It will focus on two complementary approaches: the first part of the MOOC will cover the benefits (direct or indirect) provided by natural resources in protected areas, while the second part will focus on sustainable tourism and its benefits, costs, opportunities and threats.

What you’ll learn

  • How do protected areas work?
  • Why are protected areas so important, especially in Africa?
  • What are the challenges of conservation in Africa?
  • What is the planning process for protected areas?
  • How is the effectiveness of a protected area assessed?

Course partners

Course outline

There are three instructors presenting this course: Geoffroy Mauvais (IUCN-Papaco), Nigel Dudley (Equilibrium Research) and Anna Spenceley (WCPA-TAPAS). The content of the course was created by these instructors as well as Sue Stolton (Equilibrium Research) and Andrew Rylance (WCPA-TAPAS).


No prerequisites