agroforestry - ecosystem-based adaptation

Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Working with nature to adapt to a changing climate

9 modules
This EbA course equips learners worldwide with skills to implement nature-based solutions for climate adaptation, fostering integration across sectors and strengthening resilience to climate-related risks.

Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA), also known as nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation, is gaining increasing policy support and implementation worldwide. EbA utilizes biodiversity and ecosystem services to aid in adapting to climate change’s adverse effects, involving conservation, sustainable management, and restoration of ecosystems to enhance resilience. While EbA guidebooks and case studies have contributed to standardizing the approach, further training opportunities are needed to strengthen implementation across sectors, ensuring rights-based approaches, gender equity, and biodiversity outcomes.

This global EbA course aims to equip learners with skills in designing and implementing EbA initiatives, offering training on principles, risk assessments, monitoring, and governance. The course targets diverse sectors to integrate EbA solutions, fostering linkages between research, science, and practice. Developed through collaboration between Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), the EbA MOOC draws on a decade of research and partnership experience in implementing EbA.

Module 1: Introduction to the Course

Module 2: What is EbA?

2.1 Common terms and concepts

2.2 What is EbA?

2.3 Elements of EbA

2.4 Situating EbA in sustainable development

2.5 Case Study: Restoring mangroves, Mexico

Module 3: The EbA Mainstreaming Framework

3.1 Mainstreaming an EbA project

3.2 Conceptualising an EbA project

3.3 Climate justice

3.4 Governance

3.5 Gender

3.6 Traditional Knowledge (TK) and Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK)

3.7 Communications

3.8 Case Study: Hariyo Ban Project, Nepal

Module 4: Assessing Climate Risks

4.1 Assessing climate risks

4.2 Climate change impact chains

4.3 Identifying and developing indicators

4.4 Identifying EbA options

4.5 Case Study: Flood risk assessment, Togo and Benin

Module 5: Case summaries of behaviour change in action

Chapter 1: Improving waste separation in hospital operating suites, using behavioural insights

Chapter 2: Protecting wetlands by changing cropping practices on private land, using behavioural insights

Chapter 3: Reducing food waste in schools, using behavioural insights

Chapter 4: Enhancing patient care in Victorian hospitals, using behavioural insights

Module 5: EbA Valuation

5.1 What is EbA valuation?

5.2 Why is EbA valuation important?

5.3 Valuation in the EbA Mainstreaming Framework

5.4 Prioritising EbA options

5.5 Case Study: Cost-benefit analysis, Vanuatu

Module 6: From Theory to Practice: Implementing EbA

6.1 Stakeholder analysis

6.2 Policy context review

6.3 EbA in action: Examples of EbA

6.4 Funding for EbA

6.5 Case Study: Land restoration, Inner Mongolia

Module 7: Tracking the Progress of EbA Implementation: Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

7.1 What is monitoring and evaluation?

7.2 Developing a results framework

7.3 Identifying indicators, baselines, and targets

7.4 Operationalising monitoring and evaluation

7.5 Using and communicating results

7.6 Sustainability and scaling up EbA

7.7 Case Study: Monitoring and evaluation, South Africa

Module 8: Cross-cutting Inisghts

8.1 EbA and Governance

8.2 EbA and Gender

8.3 EbA and Traditional Knowledge (TK) and Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK)

8.4 EbA and Biodiversity

Module 9: Sectoral Insights

9.1 EbA and Agriculture

9.2 EbA and Water

9.3 Urban EbA

An internet connection to access course materials. This self-paced course offers full access to all components, allowing students to complete them at their convenience. Please note that there is no facilitation by a course team.

Thematic Area
  • Climate Change
Learning mode
  • Online
Time investment
1-2 hours/week
Starting date
Open for enrolment

Course Providers

SDG Academy